Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Meter Man

Working as a meter monitor (you know-the guys that leave the little yellow ransom notes under your windshield wipers {"Pay $___ or I'll tow your crap"} is the equivalent of saying, "Hello, my name is so and so, and I'm here to make your day a little crappier." The past couple of days on my way to school I walk past a skinny meter man. The term "empathy" has taken on a whole new meaning to me. As he slipped his county-stamped papers onto the windshield of a Dodge Ram I couldn't help but feel like (in a voodoo doll kind-of-way) that it may as well have been my Honda Civic being wallpapered with fines. I was nearly tempted to shout, "Hey! He's coming back I just saw him around the corner...maybe you could give him a minute or two!" I'm not sure where the plan would unfold from there, maybe as he looked around to check for the man I would tackle him-I don't know.

Anyway, I just imagine the skinny meter man waking up each morning chanting to himself the code of the "Meter Police" while sipping on over-sweetened coffee and reading the obituaries in the newspaper. Why would I imagine that? Just because he hands out parking tickets does that really make him worthy of a judgment including Splenda and the recently deceased? Its hard to say. Bottom line is, what a self-deprecating job...You can do better than that meter man!

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