Monday, August 31, 2009

Home Depot?

So, it seems that Robert has "misplaced" his wedding ring. If you ask him about it his response would be, "I told her upfront that would happen so she can't be mad."

Anyway-the wedding ring has vanished. Solution? Disposable O Rings used for plumbing. $2.58 for 15.



cowbell kelly said...

I love it. Mike said he would loose his ring to but miraculously that hasn't happened yet....but I probably just jinxed us. (note-if I can't remember how to spell something I just make it up:)

ajehz and m said...

robert?!?! come one! you have to wait, like, at least a month for that nonsense.

Stephanie said...

Robert probably needed braces on two times also . . . .