Thursday, May 13, 2010


Rob and I both take our last final tomorrow. It couldn't come any sooner.

Did anyone know Rob makes delicious crapes? Like, really good.

Last night a friend called me with an extra ticket to Carrie Underwood that she couldn't sell so she just gave it to me. Awesome? Yes.

I've been getting pretty good at eying recipes and not really having to rely on measurements, but I can never get the peanut butter to jelly ratio right. What's with that?


chef salas said...

wait rob can make crepes? thats pretty dang awesome. and about your pb&j conflict. im a professional chef. trained by the best culinary school in the nation and malinda still gets mad cause i cant make the perfect pb&j. so dont feel to bad about not making a perfect pb&j. :)

Lyle said...

I don't think it's the measuring ability that is lacking. I just think all of us have very delicately refined preferences for our PB&J sandwiches that are almost hard-wired because we ate so many as children.

A chef has a much easier time hitting the target with something we may eat once or twice in our lifetimes. We're just not so picky about that.