Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I [almost] Voted!

Today I filled up my tank for $23. I was telling someone about this small miracle at school and as I was sharing this story I couldn't help but think of one of my dad's favorite cliche's: "happy as a pig in slop." And today, driving away from the Shell station, I was indeed, happy as a pig in slop.

In other news, today is election day! Woo! Unfortunately when I showed up to valiantly cast my ballot-I was informed that I did not have a current address registered and therefore I would not be able to vote. Crap. The first opportunity in my short-lived life to vote...to proudly display an "I voted" sticker, and nothing. Sad. Do you think I can cast my vote in prayers? If I pray and pray will this make up for my lack of democratic contribution? "Thank you for this lovely weather and please, please at least give Virginia to McCain..."

1 comment:

Steph said...

haha you love slop!

Sorry, prayer ballots don't really work - can you imagine a recount on those? On the upside, I will give you a gold star for effort. So good job sport!