Thursday, November 5, 2009


So, lately Rob has been trying to encourage me to take a dance class because I really haven't taken a real dance class in years. I've danced my whole life and even taught why am I scared to death to go into this class?! Its a moderately professional studio (actually its through Ballet Austin which is a professional company, but I don't know the level of difficulty for the classes they offer)and I feel like I am going to literally explode with anxiety. I keep envisioning scenarios of the teacher yelling, "What do you mean you're a DANCER, you suck! Leave! Its embarrassing!" I think I'll pray that doesn't happen. Maybe if its really terrible in the middle I can just sprint out without anyone getting a good look at my face.

This post should be dedicated to the anxiety-prone VanBlargan side of my family...


Elizabeth Spring said...

Kase, I went to a ballet class there last year and survived.
I think you'll do just fine.
Love you,
Little Liz ;)

Nicci said...

I totally understand! I danced until college, and I want to take a class, but I'm afraid I won't be good anymore.
But I have a coupon for a free class! I'm just working up the courage to go

Susanne said...

I know nothing about ballet, but I know you can do it.

Lyle said...

Is this like Mimi's anxiety? "I mean, I know ballet, but what if I don't know the kind of ballet they do?" Talk to your four year old niece. She may be able to give you some pointers.

ajehz and m said...

ummm. kasey. you are the dance floor bomb. if things get a little rough, imagine squeak-face with her arms stretched out wide, breaking it down one move at a time to 'freak out.' not only will you die laughing, you will see that it's all about perspective and if everyone else could see what you were seeing in YOUR head, they would stop listening to the instructor and beg ninja squeaker to teach them some moves.