In lieu of not knowing how to begin this post, I think I'll just launch in.
Yesterday was Jay Reed's birthday. Jay was my brother's best friend growing up, and subsequently a part of my family. He passed away two years ago.
As we grow up there are people who just seem to always be around, before we understand where they fit into the equation and into our lives. When I was little, I think I actually figured Jay was some part of our extended family, and it stayed that way even as I grew older. I was surprised to find that knowing that he wasn't actually blood-related didn't change anything. Jay suffered from some physical hardships, but you'd never know just by talking to him. His outlook on life was, to say the least, incredible.
When Jay passed away I had a really awesome experience and I thought I'd just share in memory of him. One night I was sitting at home and I was all by myself. I got this impression that maybe I should go somewhere. Before thinking twice, I headed over to my best friend, Ferry's apartment. We were sitting on her floor and she was working on some stuff for church. At the time she was the ward chorister and asked what song we should sing to close our meeting. Immediately I said, Nearer Thy God To Thee. I have always enjoyed that hymn but felt really strongly about it. A few minutes later my mom called, and told me the news. I fell to the ground and cried to my friend. I knew that God was looking out for me, and made sure I was in good hands during a time like that.
That Sunday in church as we wrapped up our meeting we sang, Nearer My God To Thee. Then we got to the verse, "There let thy way appear, steps unto heaven; all thou sendest me, in mercy given; Angels to beckon me Nearer my God, to thee, Nearer my God, to thee, Nearer to thee." I knew that Jay was beckoned by angels, and I knew that he was standing tall and proud in Heaven, and so, so happy. Its hard to lose someone before you're ready, but he was ready and I know that one day he'll be waiting for his family and his friends on the other side. I love you, Jay.