Friday, February 12, 2010

Would you like some crazy with that?

Single ladies and gentlejerks, the days of crappy door prizes, raffles, and kazoos are OVER. There is a Valentine's mix and mingle hosted by a local radio station in Austin this Saturday. Not only can you get wasted, meet up with randoms, and eat some could win a FREE divorce (for those of you pretending to be single but "still haven't quite gotten through with the big D"). I'm. Not. Even. Kidding! This party is raffling off a free divorce from one of the local law firms in Austin. Hahahaha. I can't even stand it.

On a different (but not necessarily lighter) note, my peers and I got to take a tour of the children's wing of the psychiatric hospital. This was our greeting:

Small boy: (walks up to my friend Shannon) HEY guys! Guess what?
Shannon: What?! (enthusiastically with a smile)
Small boy: I worship the DEVIL!
Shannon: ....uh oh

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