Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ta da!

School has taken over.

Solutions: Signed up for dance class, looking into book club (at Book People) and...crafts?

I've never been really crafty. I can draw, I love calligraphy and crap like that but never crafts. Glue guns? Buttons? I've just never been interested. Then I went to visit my sister-in-law, Emilee, and realized, I need to learn how to make stuff. I just do. Anyway, so this are my first sad attempts. But I'm hopeful and actually really excited about making other stuff. I figure, even if it doesn't turn out the way I want it to, I still made it, and its still something to do that isn't school.


Emilee said...

Crafting is the best stress-relief. It just is. Good for you. Your projects are awesome.

kate said...

i love the necklace! bravo!

Steph said...

That necklace is perma-happy. Love it.

You totally appliqued! Well done.

cowbell kelly said...

I love crafts!!!! You need to look into ModPodge it's the coolest craft tool since tacky glue.....I might be spelling that wrong.