Monday, September 14, 2009

Don't Mess With The US!

Well, here it is. My mom and dad marching in DC at a tea party this past weekend. What can I say? I'm beaming with pride.

And yes, the sticker on my mom's shirt says, "Abortion is NOT healthcare!" And My dad's shirt says, "Don't Mess With The US!"

Way to represent Mom and Pop!


lauren said...

I love that your parents did that. Good for them.
You should be proud.

Lyle said...

I absolutely agree. But I'm also wondering why we didn't figure out a way to coordinate Susanne's "busload" of "protesters" with this event.

Kathryn e. said...

Hi Kasey I am Lauren's sister...I loved the OBAMA sign! We all got a good laugh out of that one! I want to send that picture to my Grandma and Aunts who actually voted for him! Crazy Nuts!

cowbell kelly said...

Thats awesome!

Susanne said...

Good for people like your Mom and Dad who will actually give up time and do the right thing. I always knew your parents were good people and this just confirms what I already thought about them.