Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Supersize it

Well there you go! Just as a reference the British measurement of 1 stone = 14 lbs. My sister was a bus driver, luckily she weighs approximately one pebble.


Emilee said...

So they have to be less than 322 pounds? Who are they kidding? Nobody can possibly meet those outrageous expectations.

cowbell kelly said...

Thats sad! Who wants to be told by their boss that they are to fat and may break equipment? If I was so big they referred to my weight in stones I might start to eat myself like Pizza the Hut did. That way I'd loose the weight without dieting. Genius.....I keep wanting to spell that genious. It's more fun with more vowels.

cowbell kelly said...

Would that be recycling? Bonus! Your also saving the Planet!